Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bogdanoff: "Let Them Eat Cake"

Most Floridians are dealing with tough economic times and tightening their budget, in large part because of the performance of the Republican Party in running the state. The budget is in a crisis, people are being priced out of their homes and cities and things are only going to get worse. How is Ellyn Bogdanoff fighting that problem? $10,000 massages and facials. Really.

From Chris Chiari:

Representative Ellyn Bogdanoff continues to show she lives in a different world than most of her district. Her hosting of the House Majority 2008 Annual Spa Event, in which contributors pay $5000 to $10,000 to get a massage, facial, and have breakfast with her and other house leaders is ironic, especially given the hundreds of thousands of dollars it cost taxpayers to underwrite 4 special sessions.

"I wonder how Ellyn will enjoy her massage, knowing that it comes on the heels of further cuts to our schools and in the face of a slowing economy," stated Chris Chiari, her opponent in the upcoming District 91 election. "It has Nero-like symbolism," he added - referring to the tale of the Roman Emperor who insanely fiddled as Rome burned.

It's this type of elitism and inability to sympathize or help out with the problems of regular people that is going to be the downfall of the Republican Party. It has already happened at the national level. Florida Republicans, you're next.

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