Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Best News I've Heard All Day -- Sasso Wins!

Brevard came through -- Tony Sasso has taken the seat formerly held by Bob Allen. Another win for our side. Now I will say that Sasso is a bit too conservative for me on some issues, notably guns, but he's still and improvement over Allen or his potential Republican Replacement Sean Campbell. Of course my desk chair might've been a better legislator than Allen or Campbell, but that's a different blog post. The goal as progressives is more Democrats, then better Democrats. This is a step in the right direction.

And for those that continually bash Karen Thurman and the state party, this is more evidence that you're wrong in at least some of that criticism. The goal of the FDP chair is to help more Democrats win seats in the legislature and Congress. This is the ninth seat Democrats have picked up in the House in the last two years. The biggest two-year gain by Democrats in the history of the state of Florida. That's success by any definition. This is also the second special election win in two years after many years of losing every special election. Again, that's success.

This might not be the end of Campbell, though, as he was already filed for the 2008 election before the special election came up. Will he keep on campaigning?

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